Call for information about free classes and appointments for one-on-one assistance with:
- Basic computer skills (using a mouse, keyboarding, saving documents, etc.)
- Internet searching
- Starting and using email
- Social Networking (like Facebook)
- Introduction to Word
- Using the computer for a job search
- Whatever else you are interested in--provided we have expertise in this area!
Contact: James Nalen, 715-268-9340, jnalen@amerylibrary.org
Note: there is a fee for these classes.
Contact for information on classes about:
- Basic computer skills (using a mouse, keyboarding, saving documents, etc.)
- Word
- Excel
- and more...
Contact: Tracy Hendrickson: 715.268.9771 x220, commed@amerysd.k12.wi.us
Balsam Lake
Call for information about appointments, or drop in for one-on-one assistance with:
Contact: Linda Heimstead, 715-485-3215, library@balsamlakepl.org
Call for an appointment or drop in for free one-on-one help with:
- Basic computer skills (using a mouse, keyboarding, saving documents, etc.)
- Internet searching
- Starting and using email
- Basic word processing help
Contact: Lynne Schauls, 715-646-2340, director@centurialibrary.org
Clear Lake
Drop in for free one-on-one help with a whole variety of computer-related tasks, or call to find out about free class offerings:
- Basic computer skills (using a mouse, keyboarding, saving documents, etc.)
- Internet searching
- Starting and using email
- Social Networking (like Facebook)
Contact: 715-263-2802, clearlakelib@clearlakelibrary.org
Call the library to make an appointment for free one-on-one help with:
- Basic computer skills (using a mouse, keyboarding, saving documents, etc.)
- Internet searching
- Starting and using email
- Introduction to Word
- Using the computer in a job search
- Social media (like Facebook)
- E-readers and e-content
Contact:Tiffany Meyer at 715-755-2944
Call to find out about free classes and open labs about:
- Basic computer skills (using a mouse, keyboarding, saving documents, etc.)
- Internet searching
- Starting and using email
- Social Networking (like Facebook)
- Introduction to Word
- Using the computer for a job search
- Whatever else you are interested in--provided we have expertise in this area!
Contact: Library staff, 715-327-4979
Milltown Public Library--61 West Main Street
Call to register for free open labs, where staff provide one-on-one assistance with your computer questions, including:
- Basic computer skills (using a mouse, keyboarding, saving documents, etc.)
- Internet searching
- Starting and using email
- Social Networking (like Facebook)
- Introduction to Word
- Using the computer for a job search
- Whatever else you are interested in--provided we have expertise in this area!
Lab times: Mondays at 1 pm and 2 pm
Contact: 715-825-2313
St. Croix Falls
Call to make an appointment for free one-on-one help, or to find out about current free class offerings about:
- Basic computer skills (using a mouse, keyboarding, saving documents, etc.)
- Internet searching
- Starting and using email
- Social Networking (like Facebook)
- Introduction to Word
- Using the computer for a job search
- E-Readers and iPad help
One-on-one technology help Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-3 pm--call ahead to confim availability
Contact: Sarah Adams or Su Leslie, 715-483-1777, scflibrary@stcroixfallslibrary.org